Spring, a Season of New Beginnings


It’s the beginning of May and spring seems to be taking it’s time blossoming. I was rather spoiled this winter in SW Minnesota with its abnormally warm temperatures and lack of snow. Since winter was warm for this part of the country, I thought spring may be dry and hot. Well, so far it has been cool and wet. Some trees are just starting to show their leaves and our apple, plum, and pear trees are just blooming. Even in the coolness, the vibrant green grass gives of hope of new beginnings and fresh starts. Just as this spring is slowly taking its time showing itself, perhaps it is a lesson for us to begin slowly on our resolutions and goals.

Spring, a Season of New Growth

Not only is spring a new beginning for plants, but also for us as well. I have a daughter who just graduated from college and now is beginning a new phase in her life. A time of new growth and learning. I have been trying to encourage her in her job prospects but need to step back and make sure I was looking through her window and not mine. I looked for positions I thought would be fun and exciting but found out it probably wasn’t her idea. As a mother, when they were younger, I have to decide things for them, care for them, and guide them in a certain direction. When they are older, I need to step back and allow them to do the things I used to do for them. This growth is another season of life for me to grow and watch my children grow.

Lesson Learned from Spring

Yesterday, as I was walking around my farm site, I noticed plants were growing nicely, even in the cool weather. The rhubarb was ready to pick, dandelions were blooming, the asparagus had grown (almost too much), raspberries were growing, strawberries were blossoming, and the burning nettle was ready to be picked (for tea). They didn’t stop because conditions weren’t perfect. They didn’t wilt and decide to quit. They prospered, grew in adversity, and spread out their greenery and took in what they should.

Perhaps, this is a lesson for me. I decided I need to be joyous even in adversity. The season of spring gives me a lesson of perseverance, determination, and beauty. Maybe this is one of the reasons God gave us spring. It teaches us to begin again, and again, and again.

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